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I would not have been the musician I am today if it were not for Laurent Boukobza. The sensitivity I have to melodies, to not just playing but being musical and having impact, this facet of my expression was birthed by his guidance and mentorship. I don’t only play classical music, I play all genres; jazz, gospel, fusion, folk, etc. Yet the concepts he taught me about touch, weight control, about leading melodies, telling stories, these all greatly improved my playing ability across all the styles that I play. It opened up a world that I didn’t know. It was also under his tutelage that I had the opportunity to go abroad for music camps, from France to Greece. These did wonders for me, because I was able to focus with no distraction and truly work on my craft. It reinforced the fact that I did love this, I just needed to stay focused and not get caught up in distractions. Also going abroad and being embraced and accepted musically over there was inspiring for me, it reinforced that I could do this and do this well. Laurent has been a constant source of knowledge, wisdom, encouragement, and tough love for me. I have had the blessing to play on many stages, venues, settings, and genres, and every time I play, compose, or create, his lessons bring out the best in me. In a society where everyone is cutting corners to become great, if you’re truly seeking someone to take you to heights you’ve yet to reach, to push you past your comfort zone, to show you facets of music that bring it to life, you’ll find that in Laurent Boukobza.

Assel, J.P. Jr.

It is without exaggeration, that I say because of Laurent Boukobza I am a pianist. I came to Boukobza when I was just starting as a pianist and he said one of the most important things to me (after being faced with much adversity as a late starting musician) "I am your teacher, I am not here to tell you if your dreams are crazy or not, I am supposed to help you get as close as you can to your dreams!" Not only is this a constant inspiration to me, but I have adopted it as my teaching philosophy as well. As a young student, having a teacher who can play anything and also is very active in this field was a constant inspiration because I knew anything he asked of me was something he expected of himself also. Now after being a professional pianist for many years and making the piano my life work, I still look back to our lessons and his teachings as I prepare for concerts and rehearsals and even in preparing my own private students. Once you are a Boukobza, student, you can be one for life, after years of leaving his studio, I am still able to reach out and get advice I may need to move forward in my career and life.

-Miles S. (pianist and chamber musician)

I had the opportunity to work with Laurent Boukobza as an adult beginner-intermediate level piano student for a short period and his approach is truly unique as it is not about the touch, it is not about the feel, it is not about the body position/energy, it is not about the hearing,it is not about mechanics, it is not about reading music, or about the evolution of piano/music.. it is about all of them and everything else. A holistic, nontraditional approach which grounded the information I retained when all came together. I basically felt like my music soul was being molded. Would definitely recommend working with him if you are serious about playing the piano.

Aylen B. A.

Becoming a student of Laurent Boukobza is one thing I will never regret. During my time with Mr.Boukobza, I was able to learn how music should truly be approached and what it means to play the piano. Even if you aren’t primarily a classical pianist the skills you’re able to obtain are invaluable and can be applied to other genres. You will be pushed to be the best version of yourself and nothing less is expected of you, he doesn’t expect you to play at the level he’s at but he wants you to play the best you possibly can. Overall he is a mentor that anyone would be pleased to have.


Stavdny J.P.

By far one of the most incredible pianists I have ever had the pleasure of working with or seeing perform. His knowledge of music and skill at the piano are unsurpassable, and his character is reliable and pleasant.


Skyler K.

I have been taking piano lessons with Professor Boukobza for a while and wanted to share my positive experience with him:

I am a grown up student and my main concern was my inability to get faster while maintaining evenness. When I attempted to go faster I would stress myself, start rolling and become increasingly uneven.


Laurent is taking a very pragmatic approach to improving my technique by dividing improvement into achievable steps. He asks questions to make me realize what I am doing wrong and then suggests gradual steps to improve it continuously. 


Not focusing on perfection has been a game changer for me and made it less intimidating to work on achievable goals each week. I really enjoy our classes. He not only tells me what is wrong, he also can elaborate it and more importantly explain how to get better.


I strongly recommend him as a piano teacher for all ages.

Mine O.

Attending Laurent's concerts is an escape from the mundane, an enjoyment of the senses and a celebration of musical excellence. Over the last fifteen years I have been to many of his concerts in Orlando where he presented works from Beethoven to Liszt, and these were all great musical experiences. Being close to the musician during a concert is one aspect that I specifically love and Laurent connects well with his audience

Axel  S.

With regard to your piano concerts in Jacksonville at Friday Musicale and the Jewish Center my wife and I very much enjoyed your excellent performance. You really brought several of Beethoven's sonatas to life. Thank you very much.

Götz N.

I am delighted with your research spirit and dedication to discovering what the composer really wanted to say with his work. At the same time, you do not hesitate to remove established and well-known places that obscure the essence of the work. Well done! 👏👏👏


I have to admit I agree with you. Please, let me share one of my experiences from my studies to illustrate it.


In one lecture, we analyzed a certain drama in which this Beethoven sonata appears as a motif. The analysis was necessarily superficial, like any in which there is a large number of students, so it is more important that everyone says something (preferably within the expected accepted answers or expected "new" and often ideologically intoned interpretations) than to truly delve into the essence, for which there was almost never time.


One colleague, who was a superficial lover of music at the time, but also eager to achieve academic parnassus, assessed the essence of the work, driven by her impression, based mainly on established places and interpretations. She was talking about the moon shining in the night. She had a romantic enthusiasm and persuasiveness to tell.


On the other hand, while wanting to say at least something (I was often very quiet in lectures, prefering to listen rather than talk, but music is my core love!), and to make it concise, to paint the core of the work, I just uttered "darkness".


And it was assessed as wrong, because what kind of darkness do I mention, when there is the moon?


Thus, a person who did not have any music education, but was sweet-spoken and able to speak as if she knew the subject, received positive feedback (albeit from a professor who does not have a music education himself), and I received negative feedback, despite hours of piano practicing...


There was no point in explaining, they were so convinced of their correctness. However, even then, I did not think I was wrong, and your analysis clearly confirms that. I have always heard sadness, grunts, as if every joy is observed through the prism of darkness, which I clearly heard in the section for the left hand. The moonlight would only more clearly emphasize someone's suffering and dying.


Years have passed since that lecture, and now it is a humorous memory for me (although I was truly sad back then). However, I see this analysis of yours (especially because you are such a professional) as a kind of reward and confirmation that I did not drastically miss the point. On the contrary! Thank you, Sir! 😊

Gina. I.

I just got my copy (of "The Power of Why 27 musicians captured the lead") & of course went right away to page 54 and read your chapter !! =) You have given me new mental tools for my piano practice and WOW for life in general.


Jane. S.

Vous  êtes  vraiment  un  très  brillant  pianiste  et  j'aime  beaucoup  ce  que  vous  faites,  la  clarté  et  la  finesse  de  votre  jeu,  la  manière  dont  vous  créez  une  atmosphère  unique  dans  chacune  de  vos  interprétations. J'ai  commencé  à  vous  suivre  sur  Instagram  et  je  me  suis  également  abonné  à  votre  chaîne  YouTube  où  j'ai  déjà  écouté  notamment  votre  splendide  interprétation  de  la  première  ballade  de  Chopin  ainsi  que  votre  saisissante  performance  dans  Scarbo  de  Ravel. Avec  toutes  mes  amitiés.

Excellent portrayal of Beethoven! We have never heard such a complete and global analysis. All aspects as musical, historical, style and its development etc. are presented in such a way that makes someone want to follow your videos. Adding your great interpretation after the analysis gives not only the general idea but also the details of each work. The duration is perfect too. What is extremely important is that your portrayal spots on Beethoven's thinking. It is apparent throughout your videos that you respect HIM and HIS style! This tends to be rare nowadays. Germaine Mounier would be proud of you!


Maria and Angelika Bolla

Merci à vous Laurent pour toute cette générosité, c'est un privilège et une grande chance pour moi d'avoir rencontré cette chaine dès le debut et de pouvoir apprendre chaque semaine encore plus sur l'oeuvre de Beethoven que je travaille quotidiennement, votre travail m'inspire énormément et j'apprécie vraiment ce vous faîtes. Vous faîtes un énorme travail et vous êtes un très grand artiste, merci à vous du fond du cœur et bravo.

Amine M.

Les mots manquent pour décrire ce que je ressens en écoutant Beethoven en général et cette sonate avec ce 3ème mouvement en laisse mon esprit s'évader vers d'autres cieux et dimensions et mon cœur qui se déchire....tres sincèrement il n'y a que sa musique, à travers vos interprétations, qui me rapproche tant de Dieu. Encore merci monsieur le Professeur (Laurent Boukobza) et sachez que vous êtes aussi grand que lui.

Kadi K.

Laurent Boukobza presented several fabulous piano masterclasses in our Panda Piano Corner. The audience was very captivated, we praise his brilliant insights and performance. Especially, we had learned the complete study of Beethoven's Sonatas. His dedication and contribution means a lot to the worldwide classical music development. It's truly an honour to have a distinguished pianist such as Laurent Boukobza in our international music community.

Edy Panjaitan

Oh, c'est bien moi qui vous remercie !!! Déjà pour le merveilleux travail que vous faites pour décortiquer les œuvres du plus merveilleux et talentueux des compositeurs que la terre ait connue . J'apprécie vous voir jouer ; il se dégage de l’image entre vous et votre instrument cette espèce de symbiose ou fusion qui me plaît tant . Je vous dis bravo .

Laurent Boukobza Je suis absolument dithyrambique sur votre interprétation suivie d'une synthèse très intéressante de cette oeuvre (Toccata de Schumann sur ma Chaîne YouTube). On comprend bien mieux toutes les harmonies grâce à votre talent non seulement de pianiste mais aussi d'harmoniste. Vous m'avez fait découvrir cette toccata comme jamais je ne l'ai écoutée et entendue ( vous saisirez la nuance entre ces deux verbes ! ); vous arrivez à rendre attractif ce morceau qui peut paraître très répétitif de prime abord; aussi je n'hésite plus à vous faire cet ultime compliment ( du je le considère comme tel ! ) : vous avez une interprétation supérieure à ma regrettée Reine Gianoli que je trouve toujours extraordinaire par ailleurs ! Je me suis naturellement inscrit et je ne vous lâche plus d'une semelle cher Laurent ! excellente journée et à très bientôt pour de nouveaux échanges !

Pierre L.

I think... that you are an extraordinary pianist. It is a real pleasure, not only to hear, but also to watch you playing. The most difficult piece? Honestly, I do not have the sufficient level as a piano player to have a well informed opinion on this work - it's too high for me (yet). But, by listening to it and looking at the scores I conclude, that it is one of those many pieces that server more as a fingering and technique training than for real entertainment or some other purpose, well as the name says - a toccata. Still, I love to listen to it. It's a different Schumann from what we are used to, much more in the tradition of a Carl Czerny.

Tabea H.

Grandiose et très émouvant. Clarté, poésie, fluctuations des tempi autour du tempo, tout cela est remarquable et hautement digne du poète pianistique qu'est Chopin. Mille fois bravo cher Laurent.

Jacques F.

Merci, merci, merci pour cette époustouflante soirée de samedi.

On a été scotchés par ton engagement, l'authenticité et la prise de risque de ton interprétation. Un peu comme si tout à coup Beethoven était devenu tout neuf !

C'était passionnant, émouvant et tellement intense. Bref, vous nous avez fait oublier le temps, l'espace, la réalité pour un pur moment d'énergie et de poésie.

Rendez-vous pour la prochaine !

Veronique D.



Un grand merci pour ce cours, dire que j’avais oublié de le noter, ç’aurait été un sacré gâchis ! J’en ressors refaite, avec l’intime conviction que les derniers blocages ont sauté. 
Parce qu’en vrai, on va pas se mentir, ça se passe dans la tête : s’il y a le déclic et la méthode, yapuka comme on dit. 
Je suis d’autant admirative de tes talents de professeur que je trainais ce Liszt (Liebestraum #3) comme un boulet pas fini depuis belle lurette, l’abandonnant régulièrement et le reprenant sans plus de succès. Et tu m’arrêteras si je dis n’importe quoi, mais ce doit être bien plus compliqué de restaurer une vieille baraque que de construire sur terrain vierge. 
Ravie aussi de ta nouvelle connection, te voir au piano est un plus indéniable. Même si ça donne encore plus envie de mettre ses doigts dessus. Un jour peut être ! Certainement même. 
Aller j’arrête là mes bravos, tu vas t’en lasser, je les garderais pour la scène. Mais c’est juste que n’ayant jamais connu ça avant, je suis encore dans la magie des débuts, un jour ça me paraîtra ordinaire d’avoir un professeur extraordinaire 😉

Sophie B.

Bonjour Laurent (j'espère que vous voudrez bien excuser cette familiarité),

Merci pour votre magnifique récital d'hier soir (vendredi 24/1) avec les deux sonates de Beethoven et en prime le magnifique Scherzo N° 2 de Chopin qui pour moi est la plus belle œuvre pour piano jamais écrite (cette opinion n'engage que moi)

Merci également pour vos explications "musicales" qui m'ont fait comprendre pourquoi j'aime Beethoven et pas Mozart où je m'ennuie (sauf les œuvres de la fin qui sont plus "Beethoveniennes" comme la 40ème symphonie).

Pierre T.

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